Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Don't fence us out

It's simply amazing that any official with the Mexican government could say the following with a straight face:
Mexican Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba, who is president of the 47-member council, said the resolution will denounce the fence for violating human rights and driving undocumented migrants to cross the border in more remote and dangerous areas.
Translated, the Mexicans are going to report us to the UN for enforcing our own laws, which their citizens are helping to break. Such a concept must be 'foreign' to them.

Meanwhile, the local FBI just broke up a prostitution ring operating here in the River City consisting of imported illegal alien hookers. Perhaps Mr. de Alba would like to tack another charge onto his complaint. Surely he could find some kind of rights violation with that as well.

MORE 10/25/06

One of the reasons the illegal immigration issue will not be addressed by either party (other than to build a few walls on the border) is rooted in the work ethic of the illegals, such as showing up on time, no union membership, no hassles with paperwork, etc. In other words, a near sexual experience for businesses looking for dependable workers (and the libs want these people to vote).

Take a gander at this You Tube video (caution- strong language) of an apparent Nestle contractor rounding up illegals for a job. His cancerous verbiage and cavalier willingness to break the law makes it hard to be optimistic about the future of this country, unless we can get a grip.

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