Yeah, a few bloggers wrote about it, but the MSM largely yawned despite the fact they were the main targets of attack. Most of their coverage occurred in the immediate aftermath and most was centered around the 'person of interest', a rather eccentric scientist named Steven Hatfill.
I've blabbed about it here and there over the past year, and several others have been on the story the whole time, but let's face it--bioweapons can't compare to Paris Hilton in the titilation department. There seems to be a collective amnesia out there, which puts no pressure on the FBI to actually do anything. Matter of fact, the last we heard they were scaling down their task force. Evidently the case is either colder than a flat rock in the Arctic or so flippin hot it can't be picked up with tongs. Even the nutty 9/11 professors have stayed away.
But can that last forever? For example, a blogger not known for his terrorism analysis, Memphis Steve, weighed in on the story today in the middle of telling us about his vomiting cat, in a way befitting of only Memphis Steve (caution, although MS has the gift of storytelling and a way with words, he also has a way with cuss words). His questions are straightforward and seem to expose a rather obvious ommission in the direction of the case. See if you can find it.
And by the way, why do cats always puke on the carpet right next to the linoleum? Because they can, of course.
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