"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.And, this:
"That's not leadership. That's not going to happen," he added.
"I want everybody to be absolutely clear about this because George Bush and McCain have suggested that me being willing to sit down with our adversaries is a sign of weakness and sign of appeasement,"Yet none of them ran for the exits like they were being chased by Bigfoot?
Granted, it was in Portland, Oregon not Charleston, West Virginia. And granted, it's not hard to understand why they might have applauded as the factually challenged Obama distorted Bush's recent Knesset speech on the dangers of appeasing terrorists and such. Yet apparently they remained as the messiah chastised them personally for having the audacity to eat and climate control their own homes.
Change is indeed coming, the only question is whether a older man of limited charisma and oratory skills can convince an impatient, war-weary electorate he's a better choice over a younger, more vibrant, more cutting edge and history-making figure full of populist idealism--especially after eight years of Bush administration missteps and press distortions thereof, and especially since that same press will be overtly pulling for the rookie. The bets are on.
The Obama versus McCain dust up about Iran is really exposing Obama's inner policy zen:
"Thanks to George Bush's policy, Iran is the greatest threat to the United States and Israel and the Middle East for a generation. John McCain wants to double down on that failed policy."There's so much wrong with this statement. It's worth it's own post but in the interest of not doing another prophet post right after the last one, how is that not the same as saying "this war is lost"? How is it not admitting that Iran IS a threat after all, and a generational one at that? For instance, who would care if we emboldened Turkey or Kuwait for a generation. And isn't it admitting that a hasty retreat from Iraq would make things far worse for America down the road a generation?
Supporters might suggest Obama was blaming Bush for creating the monster in Iran by invading its neighbor. But that would suggest he's clueless as to the history of terrorism since the 70s, and since he's not, it can only mean he once again derailed himself by hastily replying to a charge before thinking it through.
65,000 is a drop in the bucket.
Think about 300,000+ people watching 33 drivers raise the sizes of their carbon footprints, here next Sunday. The air will smell like moonshine with all of that ethanol in the air. 107,501 people will watch Michigan play Michigan State in football, on Oct 25. When he can draw THOSE numbers, then I'll be impressed.
Seriously, Oregon is Obama country. They love him. They think he will save America from itself.
It was an unusually nice Sunday in Portland. Presto, crowd appears. Impressive, maybe. But until he can command more attention than these sporting events, he's not going to impress people that see through his rhetoric.
Have you noticed that McCain is putting him on defense lately? And, he's not doing a bad job of it, either. Will it be enough to gain some momentum? Time will tell.
Have you noticed that McCain is putting him on defense lately? And, he's not doing a bad job of it, either.
Yes, which the update was on. As long as Mac can keep Barack talking about foreign policy, he wins. And everything Obama says if fodder for later TV commercials.
I have a theory: in fifty years, people looking back will say, "George Bush was our last greatest president." Not because it was true; only because everyone else was so horribly bad . . . The other side of this coin is that people looking back 50 years will say, "Damn, Obama was as bad as both Roosevelt and Carter."
Of course, they'll be saying all of this in Farsi . . .
The founders were still off on their estimates of America's survival. We've been on borrowed time for some time now.
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