Speculation around the water cooler lately is whether Scooter will proceed to a jury trial or settle out. Based on today's testimony he made it appear his battle flag has been hoisted..
"With respect, your honor, I plead not guilty,"
He, he, there's that tone again, reminding me somewhat of his Aspen roots prose. His lawyer then made it clear how confident his client was..
"He has declared to the world that he is innocent," Wells said outside the courthouse after the 10-minute session. "He wants to clear his good name, and he wants a jury trial."
A powerful man with a get-out-of-jail-free card might project such confidence. Then again, a proud and honest man who felt he'd been wronged might also project as such.
As usual, opinion seems polarized based on ideology. The left generally assumes Libby is guilty as sin and that he'll settle out to save his boss "Old Man Potter" Cheney from testifying at trial. The right thinks Libby will go to court defiantly, even if guilty of perjury, to expose the big can-o-worms known as the MSM-CIA-Oil for Food conspiracy. A smaller band of others believe Libby is a patriotic fall-guy for an administration holding onto terrible secrets regards WMDs, Saddam, Bin Laden and the anthrax letters. I'd say the last one is a longshot.
The democrats certainly have a political gameplan with no regard to America in general, but designed for them to regain power. Essentially it's this--once they get Libby convicted they'll harrass Cheney and Bush before the 2006 elections, causing enough repub image damage to regain control of Congress. Then comes the coup de grace- impeachment. The circle of life, politcal style. Sing it, everyone!
Ironically, what really matters to Joe Sixpack is the truth. Is that such a quaint and naive idea? Let's put this in perspective. The darker picture could be that Cheney and Libby were sadsacks operating in a post 9/11 climate of paranoia and they simply overreacted regards Iraq. As days went by and no WMDs appeared, they began panicking to the point that when Joe Wilson came along they cracked. Libby and Rove agreed to be fall guys with pardons at the end. If that's the truth, let the sun shine in, man! We the people need the facts in order for our nation to go forward and make the decisions mecessary for our kids' futures, especially with the threats we face.
Conversely, if Saddam was in the middle of a massive spider web of corruption ranging from multi-national corporations, corrupt CIA agents and ex Ambassadors, international criminals, UN, IAEA and EU bureuacrats, all for the express purpose of getting the sanctions down so he could re-arm, well that surely needs to be exposed as well. Right libs?
So, as Libby seemed to be saying today, "bring it on".
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