Monday, November 14, 2005

Gotta love the mainstream media

Check out this picture of Bush's speech today at Elmendorf AFB. Notice how the AP photographer managed to frame the couple sitting to Bush's left. Notice the gentleman appears to be sleeping.

At least Fox's lead story was about the speech.

Let's head over to CNN and see what's on their front page...Probably something about Bush, right?

Sure is:

Ah yes, the lonesome loser shot. "Bush's approval rating at all-time low" calls the headline. The Elmendorf speech, apparently the same feed from AP that Fox ran, was buried down in their "politics" section. Apparently CNN thinks a speech from the Commander-in- Chief addressing charges by some democrats that he lied about going to Iraq is just politics, yet the intial charges themselves are considered "news".

But hey--there was plenty of interactive video to watch about Bush's horrible poll numbers.

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