Think we'll be hearing that little ditty at the next Bushitler or boob flash rally? Should we expect to see placards with Zarqawi's face superimposed on Hitler's body with catchy captions like "Z-fuhrer"? Shall we alert the DC cops to be ready for a massive peace rally on the Mall with flower children carrying signs saying, "what's next Z-man, puppies and kittens?" Nah, just ain't gonna happen. Perhaps it should.
Abu Musab Zarqawi groaned out one of the most BS-riddled statements in the history of statements today. Let's take a look-see:
"Your star is fading. You will not escape your fate, you descendant of traitors. We will be able to reach your head and chop it off," al- Zarqawi said, referring to the king.
He was referring to his buddy King Abdullah of Jordan, who recently poked fun at the Z-man by basically calling his followers insane.
Al-Zarqawi said the bomber who detonated his explosives in the Radisson SAS hotel on Nov. 9 was targeting a hall where he claimed Israeli and American intelligence officials were meeting.
Doubtful. It fell into his lap after the bombing, and he's covering his stupidity by pretending they were on the original target list. If true he wouldn't have needed to bomb the other hotels and risk killing innocent Muslims, which he did. Meanwhile, the spooks are still alive. But this cockamamie tale is consistent with the incredible one told by the Jihadi-lady bomber. I thought lying was a sin in Islam?
It continues:
"We didn't target them. Our target was halls being used by Zionist intelligence who were meeting there at the time," he said. "Our brothers knew their targets with great precision."
Al-Zarqawi accused the Jordanian government of hiding casualties among Israeli and American intelligence agents, and he insisted al-Qaida in Iraq was not targeting fellow Muslims.
"We want to assure you that ... you are more beloved to us than ourselves," al-Zarqawi said, addressing Jordanians.
Great precision? Did he hire this guy as a consultant?
I know this is a deadly serious matter, and innocents were killed, innocent Muslim fellow-countrymen, that is. But this is really quite beyond belief. His team couldn't even find the right places to explode in, and a couple even had trouble exploding. I can imagine Osama and Zawahiri in their caves hanging their heads and mumbling to each other.
Is this the same al-Qaeda that pulled off major bombings all over the world? Does the precision of this compare in any way to the near flawless precision of Septemeber 11th? Should this tell us anything? I know one thing it tells me, this guy is nowhere near the top of the food chain.
MORE 11/18
Bias or something else? This Guardian story covers the same material and is also a feed from the AP. The Guardian tells an untold part of the story:
Earlier Friday, thousands of flag-waving Jordanians thronged downtown Amman in the ``March of the Nation,'' a noisy, emphatic demonstration against the hotel attacks.
``Al-Zarqawi, you coward, what brought you here?'' the angry crowd shouted.
``Cease, cease, al-Zarqawi, you are a villain!'' the throng chanted. ``Cease, Cease, you terrorist, you are a coward!''
Good for them. Maybe our protesters will join them in arms over here soon, protesting the brutality of Islamofascism. Ahem.
Comparing the stories made me wonder whether the Breitbart version purposely cut off mention of the massive protest for any particular reason. The latest version of the Breitbart story now has mention of the protests, but it's not quite as dramatic as the Guardian version. Ironically all three stories originated with the AP, written by the same guys.
Isnt he the craziest thing you have ever seen? He blows up a wedding party in his own home Country and sevral other sites in Jordan, well not he, he is to much of a coward he has other people do his dirty work for him, but he blows these people to bits, then practicaly apologises for it via audio tape, then says he wants to cut off King Abdullah's head!!!
Maybe now someone will turn his rotten carcus in.
He certainly is crazy. Insane, as the King put it.
I say this sarcastically, but why isn't the American left up in arms over this guy? He's clearly done nothing but kill innocent peace-loving Muslims since he became Bin Laden's front man in Iraq. When you bring this up with libs they blame Bush for creating Zarqawi.
Notice the protesting in the streets is hardly being covered by the MSM. Guess they'd rather focus on Woodward or Murtha.
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