No, not that one. Did anyone take that one seriously? No, most conventional wisdom these days is that the dems don't have any plan at all. No message. No solutions. Well dude, that would be wrong. The dems DO have a plan, a solution, and a message.
MacRanger has a good post about the latest dem bigwig to pull a 180 on Saddam. Prior to the invasion this guy was basically a Saddam hawk, rhetorically speaking. More and more dems are making the case the "intelligence was manipulated, and Bush lied to take us to war". More and more media members are helping by developing selective amnesia.
I'll give the dems credit, they are perhaps more cohesive now than I've seen them in years. Mr. 21 percent inflation, Grits Carter, who was last seen wearing a tee that said, "I was there when the radical Muslim War On America began, and all I got was this lousy shirt", has laid down his humanity hammer and is on the warpath. To heck with ex-president protocol, this is just too important, folks!
As stated, the MSM, 80 percent of whom voted for Kerry (and probably every other democrat before him) will continue to help carry the democrat water. They surely already have many more "evil republican" stories in the can.
Yes, right wing bloggers and radio blabbers will continue to supply the facts about Saddam's regime and point out the tawdry democrat hypocrisy. Deaf ears will not hear it, as they'll be distracted by Fitzgerald prowling around looking under rocks for Cheney, while Bush continues to turn the other cheek.
I'm sure when Bush announced he was going after Saddam, the dem party core leadership realized how compromised they were. The anti-war party was in a fix because most of them had demonized Saddam for years, perhaps to help cover for Slick's personal scandals. Out of consistency most in the Senate dems were compelled to vote in favor of the use-of-force resolution. Only the moonbat fridge voiced concern.
I'd venture a guess the strategists had contingency plans based on which way the war went. If it trended good, they would circle their wagons around Supreme Court picks and the economy. But what if the war went south? After all, most were on the hook either via the vote or the microphone on supporting the elimination of the Butcher.
In time Saddam did his part, thanks to his pre-planned insurgency, which the overconfident repubs forgot to prepare for. But yet, what to do? It's pretty risky to go slamming a policy you've recently voted for when soldiers are still dying. Such actors could easily go down the same commode Bush was swirling towards.
Enter Joe Wilson. Enter Downing Street. Enter Ahmed Chalabi. Enter INC. And enter the strategy-- that Bush and his evil neocons manufactured and cherry pick twisted the Iraq intelligence. Yeah, Saddam was no threat. And past MSM stories about Saddam? They were Judy Miller's fault. Forget that the stories dated back years prior to Bush, and forget about Sheila MacVicar.
So here it is. Phase one is to perpetuate the urban legend about intelligence manipulation using Libby, Miller and Wilson. Phase two calls for using those gains to take back Congress in 06. Phase three- impeach Bush in 07 for manipulating the intelligence. I'm sure you can guess Phase four--hint it occurs in 2008.
If this works it'll be without the influence of the corny chart above. Dems will be laughing as they lament how their "we don't need no stinkin message, we're just not republicans" message got them back to the White House. At least, that's the plan.
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