Thursday, November 17, 2005

Murtha's Move

Shall we consider this proposal serious? Murtha has been billed as one of the more "hawkish" doves the House port siders have to offer. He did a few hitches in Vietnam and is a decoated Marine, therefore the repubs best respect this man. They've already skated around the issue, with Bush saying he "respectfully disagreed", while his spokesman McClelland said Murtha was joining with the likes of Micheal Moore.

Personally it appears to me a political stunt. The dems smell blood in the water and they've decided to pounce while the pouncin' is good. Why wait til the December elections and have to contend with Iraqis holding up more of those darned purple fingers? The press also helped out by liberally applying the word "hawkish" in front of Murtha's name in just about every story.

I did find something interesting in the article. It relates to how they put Murtha's proposal in context with what "the American people think" based on an Iraq war poll taken Monday (have you ever been polled? I haven't either):

Monday's poll found that 19 percent of Americans want to see the troops come home now and 33 percent said they wanted them home within a year. Only 38 percent said they should remain "as long as needed."

Weird, the highest percentage was the only figure to get the word "only" in front of it. Now I grant you, adding 19 and 33 gets a majority 52 percent wanting troops to come home, but hey, 100 percent want the troops to come home, it's just a matter of whether you think they can accomplish their mission or not. Stats are funny, though. Add the 33 and 38 and get a whopping 71 percent of the people think the troops should stay for at least another year.. The power of the pen is mighty indeed.


Marie's Two Cents said...

Well you know how I feel about polls, if they were accurate Kerry would be President!!! As for this guy Murtha! Does he really want us to wave the white flag in defeat? We have the capability to obliterate Iraq or any one else in that region. But we chose to set up a democracy there. What better way to deal with a bunch of oppressed, comprimised, constantly terrorised people? And what better of a place than right in the heart of the people that we need to watch the most? I have to listen to my son on this one, he is in the Army, he thinks this plan is brilliant! I get scared! But he sees things I dont. But he does however scratch his head and wonder "What on earth is going on with those people that dont believe in what we are doing over here"? It's hard, I have to tell him "There are some that say they want you guys to get out NOW!" And there are some that believe what you are doing is a posative thing. He tells me "Mom, this is NOT Viet Nam"! I try my best to make him believe that ALL the American people believe in the mission but he knows better. He only hears this waving the white flag crap from the left. Yes they do get news over there. And yes they do know who is who and what is what. He does NOT believe for one minute that this isnt going to work. He deals with those people daily! He sees for himself that this IS working and he wonders why do these people want us to come home NOW when we are so close to carrying out our mission? I just tell him dont worry about it we will deal with those that want to cut and run. You just worry about what you have to do there. This guy Murtha and everyone else on the left this time in history need to just shut up, and sit down, and let the soldiers do what they need to do and everyone will come home when it's all done. And those that have perished will have perished knowing they finished the mission, and we are a better country for it, and we have a pair of eyes on those that want to kill us!!!

A.C. McCloud said...

My son is in the Navy, so he doesn't see what's happening on the ground over there. He's supported ops in the region, tho. There is no feeling that we should give up with his crew, either.

As to Murtha, was listening to Bill Bennett show this morning, and some caller was saying he's got Vietname syndrome, in other words, he sees everything thru the lens of his own experiences there. The two causes are 180 degrees different. We got away with leaving Vietnam because there was no real threat to the US (altho a million people were kllled in Cambodia later) but this time it will directly affect us.

Tell your son he's got a lot of support in the hinterlands.