The powder keg of North African immigration has blown the French immigration "model" right out of the Seine. French leaders go into meetings, like every good bureaucrat. In mocking jest, Iran offers to help.
Many hard righters are saying "it's the beginning of jihad in Europe. The Frogs deserve it". Their counterparts on the hard left are saying "it's not their fault, and this is not about al Qaeda". Somewhere, in the murky middle, lies the truth.
The Guardian interviewed a number of the hooligans and reported about it today. Their answers were vaguely reminiscent of what rioters around the world have said at one time or another. Just add in a speck of anti-Arabism and you've got the cause. In many ways, these same themes are at the root of Jihad everywhere Jihad lives. Bin Laden's popularity is in part due to the poverty of their nations in comparison to the west and ruling class. It's a powerful draw. It's not the whole story.
So what about the French? By all accounts a very proud people who have a long and rather interesting history. Is it any surprise they would handle immigration and diversity worse than we do? Bridget Bardot probably summed up the opinion of many rank and file French with her nationalist comments a few years back. This attitude doesn't lend itself to easy assimilation.
That said, Arabs and Islam in general does not easily assimilate. Veils, calls to prayer, Mosques, and the other assorted cultural aspects of Islam follows immigrants wherever they go, and tends to override local secular norms. We know that radical Islam NEVER assimilates.
But why all the immigration, is it a conspiracy being run by AQ? Probably not. It's probably the same reason Mexicans move to the US-- it's better than where they came from. It's a simple human thing. That's why the Bush doctrine might be the only hope to stop a worldwide uprising similar to Paris. We've got to change the source regions. We've got to make them attractive and functional, and not just for the ruling classes. Otherwise we'll be "whacking moles" forever.
The R word lies at home. The inhabitants themselves have to take ownership and help clean up their own terror swamps. They have to create the jobs. They have to police their people. They have to give the people some power over their lives. Just imagine a modern day equivalent of ancient Mesopotamia, where scientific and cultural firsts occurred regularly. Can happen, but radicalism is not the way.
In the meantime, in a world of sophisticated weapons I want a president who keeps whacking moles, both in and out of their holes. Chirac's already let his situation go to worms, and if doesn't want to lose his country he better start whacking his own moles soon. It's too late to placate. But it's not too late to learn.
Dude...you're getting comment spammed already! Been there done that! :-)
By the way, I like the blog. I've got one (not commercial!) along the same political lines as yours.
By the way, where are you from in TN? I live in Jacksonville, but I'm from the Memphis area.
Yeah, Jonathan, guess I need to use that filtering thing. I really wanted to avoid it.
I currently reside within a quick ride to Memphis on I-40. Not a native Tennessean, but been here quite awhile. Native southerner.
thanks for stopping by. I've been by your site before, good stuff.
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