The same fan base infamous for throwing batteries at players reached a new low today. Click on image to see the video and get the story..
Hopefully they meet the same fate as these geniuses. Of course, unless somebody in the stands saw it and narc-ed them out they probably won't. LaRussa should protest, just to make a point (sorry).
When Scott Rolen came to St. Louis and then came back to Philly for his first game since the trade they were merciless. It's one thing to be loud passionate fans, quite another to try to affect the game and harm the players. They showed ZERO class by not helping security locate the perpetrator, so I'm blaming more than just the zeros who did this.
Philly fans are the worst in ANY sport, if you ask me.
When Scott Rolen came to St. Louis and then came back to Philly for his first game since the trade they were merciless. It's one thing to be loud passionate fans, quite another to try to affect the game and harm the players. They showed ZERO class by not helping security locate the perpetrator, so I'm blaming more than just the zeros who did this.
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