Friday, December 18, 2009

No Wonder They Walked Out..

Reports out of Copenhagen say India and China walked out of COP-a-buck-15, their main beef being the emission targets and monitoring thereof. To wit:
Obama said he was all for a mechanism to monitor emission reduction actions, exchange of information and transparency. He added that this should not be intrusive or impinge upon sovereignty.
Hey, maybe they've seen Or maybe actual monitoring of their emissions (rather than just taking our taxpayer dollars and spending on whatever) was always a deal-breaker and no matter how many sulfur-laden billion dollar bills Obama and Hillary dangle they're not worth the true accountability required to get them. Just sayin'.

By the way, here's the You Tube of Chavez's anti-capitalism speech and the accompanying round of applause:

And speaking of ghosts, here's Obama's presumed ghost writer from a few years ago:

Ayers is now reportedly upset, along with Hugo, both disappointed in Obama's apparent rejection of world socialist solidarity. Judging from the COP-15 reaction, so were many of the delegates (which shows the real 'cause' being discussed). All this should be a good thing for the president since only the far left stands in line with those fools and his poll numbers should go up by rejecting them. Yet he continues to snatch defeat by bullying Congressmen and frightening the population towards the precipice of a rather socialist-sounding agenda. Pure madness.

MORE 12/18/09

Obama has apparently pulled an agreement out of the fire, which saves the trip (he was faced with being 0 for 2 in Denmark). It sounds more like a face-saving agreement as opposed to anything meaningful; one designed to get them to the next meeting--in 2010. Now they can crank up the 747 and fly home to Andrews--to which a blizzard that way comes...
LOL, as they say (yes, we know weather is not climate, until a heat wave appears).


Right Truth said...

Obama's supporters and friends plucked him out of obscurity when he was a young whipper-snapper, taught him everything they know, and now? Now he has disappointed them and they are worried they won't get a return on their investment.

Right Truth

A.C. McCloud said...

IF, and I say it with the required skepticism of something alleged and not yet proven, but IF Ayers actually ghost wrote "Dreams" then he holds tremendous power over Obama. Should the one squander our current leftist fantasy world (House, Senate super majority and White House) and get nothing of substance passed there's no telling what Ayers (or others) might spill.

LA Sunset said...

//Now he has disappointed them and they are worried they won't get a return on their investment.//


//Should the one squander our current leftist fantasy world (House, Senate super majority and White House) and get nothing of substance passed there's no telling what Ayers (or others) might spill.//

Not sure it's worth the multi-trillion dollars it will cost before all of this plays out, but you must admit it is great entertainment.