Take Dick Durbin. Please. This is a man who has compared our troops to Nazis and referred to terrorist detention facilities as "Gulags". He has no credibility to call others delusional, in my book.
Next, Dick Cheney. Would it hurt to occasionally admit we screwed up here or there? I know, the left takes any utterances as admissions of defeat and begins filling out impeachment petitions. But not everything is about politics. The average Joe or Jane might appreciate a little candor and it might help with the ole credibility down the road.
For what it's worth I thought the question from Blitzer about his lesbian daughter's pregnancy was a classic CNN groin shot. After all, the left flew into a collective outrage anytime someone mentioned Chelsea Clinton. But Cheney, just like Bill Clinton, is a big boy. Republicans going on CNN have to expect such stuff, just as Democrats going on Fox have to prepare for rational questions. He could have handled it better, but at least he stopped short of telling him to F-off (imagine Blitzer squirming in his seat after that).
But back to Durbin. His calling Cheney delusional for saying we've had "many large successes" in Iraq is evidence of his own self-delusion. First of all, the Veep was in process of being grilled by a badgering reporter determined to get the man to admit everything has been an abject failure. While that might make a great CNN or Kos headline, it ain't the truth.
They lambast Bush and Cheney, but hell, could it hurt the Democrats and media to admit that our brave men and women blasted into Baghdad, removed Saddam's army, removed his government, then were responsible for removing his sorry rear from the planet? Would it hurt to admit we got Zarqawi, a guy who beheaded Nick Berg and killed a US Ambassador not named Wilson? Would it hurt to occasionally give credit for the capture of KSM and the formation of the Karzai government?
It's a GOOD THING Saddam is gone. Our initial military objective in Iraq was achieved with flying colors but the stabilization phase has been screwed up. The fact that people like Kerry, Durbin and most of the MSM will only recognize the screw up forces administration officials onto the defensive, sometimes overdoing their pushback in efforts to maintain morale, which is utterly crucial in a war being fought as much through the wires as on the battlefield. The real delusion is the notion that leaving enemies on the battlefield would somehow help America.
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