Impeachment might not be the worst thing for the Republicans. In doing so the Democrats would be forced to slog through eighteen months of divisive hearings that might not do much more than to rekindle the ghosts of their own Iraq Resolution votes or past rhetoric from the 90s (in John Kerry's case, rhetoric up until the time he was nominated). Has Hillary apologized for her vote yet? I forget.
Maybe that's why they took it off the table. No matter, Waxman will make Bush's life miserable for the next two years, so chances are we're in for an Iran-Contra repeat as Bush's term closes out. Speaking of which, even if Bush and Cheney were to get frogmarched Iran and al Qaeda aren't going anywhere, and a President Pelosi would have to deal with them in a weakened state, and Pelosi is no Gerald Ford.
In light of all the above is it any wonder the Maliki government and Bush wanted "closure" on Saddam ASAP? It's possible Bush believes he'll be remembered more as the man who took out a modern Hitler before he reached his prime, regardless of what happens from here on out. Simplistic perhaps, since things could still unravel, but if they do the Democrats will certainly have some culpability.
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