Heidi Cullen, perhaps the best looking weatherwoman since Jill Brown, started the fight by strapping on her SS uniform and proclaiming that TV weathercasters who don't fall lockstep with the new left-leaning Weather Channel programming change are heretics unworthy of their AMS seals of approval. What's next, their degrees?
The thought of such of a thing momentarily sent me into a dreamy vision of the old TV show "Branded" with Chuck Connors, except this time it featured Cullen, wearing high-heel Nazi boots and a TWC brownshirt, ripping the AMS seal off some poor TV weather guy who looked like Jared from Subway wearing a pocket protector.
Stereotypes aside, I've been harping on this subject a good bit lately and will continue to bore you with data if you desire to read on. As a skeptic like Ms. Cullen, the data I've been showing here from ground sites taken from the NASA GISS site aren't entirely supportive of a coming cataclysm quite yet. There are still too many unanswered questions to dump everything in one basket. Science is often like that.
I'll leave you with another 100 year temp chart, this time from North Platte, Nebraska, an area where the land-use hasn't changed much and there's only been a small increase in population since the transcontinental railroad went through 140 years ago. Notice the trend, or lack thereof. What caused the warming in the 20s? What caused the cooling into the 60s? Maybe Ms. Cullen can tell us.

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