The precision of the attack, the equipment used and the possible use of explosives to destroy the military vehicles in the compound suggests that the attack was well rehearsed prior to execution,'Some think it was a message:
Like I said earlier, this was not just a brazen attack by some militia or terrorists; behind this is a message and a threat from Iran and its surrogates to turn even the calm parts of Iraq into a dangerous war zone for America and the government in Baghdad.It's probably no coincidence that such a thing occurred immediately after Coalition announcements declaring open season on free range Iranian turkeys. Speaking of which, that makes Kerry's embarrassing performance in Davos even that much more pathetic. If such a thing is possible.
Attacks like Kerbala, which brazenly mock Geneva protocols, should be enough to convince anti-war zealots of the possible future beyond an American Army pullout. But that's like asking a five year old to do Calculus. In reality such things only further steele their resolve to give the head-choppers a big win. And with help in Congress they might actually get it done. But one thing's for sure--the Army may be forced out of Baghdad but America will never leave the region to the Iranians, nor will the Sunnis, Ba'athists, al Qaeda or the Israelis.
MORE 1/28/07
Speaking of Khatami, here's a vintage picture from last year.

In 2004 Iran erected a monument to honor Simon Bolivar, the founder of Venezuela. Bolivar was an apostate no doubt, but hey, death to the Pariahs of America.
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