Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hillary's fuzzy memory

Via Hot Air, who pointed to Rush Limbaugh's site. The left will discredit this based on origin, but it appears to be taken by a Code Pink member. Comedic highlights--singing before Hillary entered the room; the Senator blaming Saddam for his own problems and suggesting unilateral action wasn't such a bad thing; a ninth inning Bush-bash on the economy, which failed to satisfy the savage anti-war beasts.

Additionally, this site has an audio of Hillary proclaiming on 9/11 that every nation would have to be "with us or against us", and that nations who harbor terrorists would have to "pay a price". Relevance? She is now making the claim Bush misled her, and that 'had I known then what I know now', blah, blah. At the same time she's running on her experience as First Lady, and in the tape claims to have followed the Saddam situation for "the last 10 years". You can do the math.

UPDATE.. 1/31/07

Someone decided to disable embedding, so to view the video you'll need to follow this link.

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