Below are two visible satellite images of the south-central USA snapped this morning. On the left is a pure reproduction, while on the right the picture was adjusted to sharpen the contrast:

Here's a loop of the event (if it doesn't load you can make your own loop here. Liberals, just use your imagination).
What's weird? Notice the lines and holes present in the cloud deck over northeast Texas moving into Louisiana. That's not normal. The lines look like reverse contrails, but the holes don't seem to support aircraft effects. The cloud deck was very high, well up in the ice crystal area between 25,000 and 35,000 feet. I don't think it's an Art Bell moment, but I did show these to a meteorologist friend and he didn't have a clue what was causing it. Does anyone else know?
MORE 1/29/07
Added a closeup shot from a little later in the day.

UPADTE 1/31/07
Looks like my initial hunch about this not being a Men in Black episode was correct. However, my hunch about the cause not being aircraft was off by 180 degrees. Apparently they ARE caused by aircraft, and are referred to as HOLE PUNCH CLOUDS. Fascinating.
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