Gore blew off the Republicans' opening statement, which was beyond arrogant. The ranking member got his five minutes anyway, but it cut into their ability to question the Gorebot. His written report that was supposed to be submitted 24 hours in advance of the hearing so Republicans could study it, but it shows up 2 hours before.
For the most part this will be nothing but hot air from both sides since no scientists are present at the hearing. And the Code Pink transvestite isn't even there.
Gore's idea about local power generation sounds interesting. But his answer (or lack thereof) to the first Republican questioner was telling--he didn't want to answer the CAFE standards question.
Homespun Texan Ralph Hall brought up the cost question again, and Gore responded by basically laying the onus on America to pay the tab. Maybe someone could have asked him whether we should confiscate China's nuke and burgeoning aircraft businesses to help pay their share.
I have no quibbles with Gore on revolutionizing the transport industry. The problem is generation--there are no known forms of fuel cheap enough to practically work. BTW, Gore just said "grassroots". Anyone who followed his 1988 presidential run commence to vomiting now.
His answer to clean coal was fine, but the problem remains getting the other major countries to do their part as well, like China, who is building an average of one new coal-fired power plant per week.
Denny Hastert just called Gore a "movie star". He also acknowledged the fact of "global warming", which is occurring. The controversial question is not about warming, but about what's driving it. Hastert touched on the vast amounts of coal and oil under American soil and nookular power, which the liberals are generally against. BTW, as these things go, the Dems are throwing out a quick question then letting Gore talk, while the Repubs are filibustering to keep Gore from talking.
There has been considerable chatter about CO2 and warming, and which came first. It's sort of a chicken and egg argument. There's no real conclusive agreement that CO2 increases cause warming, or whether warming causes a CO2 increase. That's fairly important, since everything is based on carbon, not the sun. Water vapor rises as the temp rises because a warm atmosphere can hold more moisture than a cold one, yet water vapor is also a greenhouse gas.
That reminds me of a chicken-egg joke. "The chicken and the egg were in bed together. The chicken had a satisfied look on his face and was smoking a cigarette, while the egg had a disgusted look on her face and her arms folded. She said, "well, I guess we've answered that question.."
That's enough for now.
Gore has his talking points down. Most of his answers (except the questions he effectively dodged) made scientific sense. Then again, so does this.
Notice anything strange about this CNN photograph?

He seems a bit phosphorescent. Or something.
Gore says the planet has "a fever". He's right--just peruse the left wing fever swamps and the source is quite clear. It's like a synergistic f&rt. Wonder if they are selling offsets for that?
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