Thursday, March 08, 2007

Marsha Blackburn's credit card bill

Marsha Blackburn is a local southern gal and a good Representative. Her heart is in the right place in trying to stop rewarding illegals and encouraging them to come here, well, illegally.

But her bill is unnecessary.

There's a simple way to stop this--enforce the existing immigration laws. Prosecute bankers, corporate executives or anyone else aiding and abetting illegal activity. Find a better way to patrol the border. Deport those caught here without paperwork.

More likely nothing will happen, but Ms. Blackburn should at least be applauded for helping bring visibility to how some banks are playing fast and loose with the Patriot Act by allowing Matricula Consular cards as valid ID to get checking accounts, then Visa cards. Or in her words,
"It says to banks and illegal immigrants alike, 'You can't get a Visa, without a visa.'"

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