Heck, if they investigated every email the Donkeys have sent since they've been in power it would probably boggle the mind and overload Waxman's schedule through the end of his term.
When he's finished maybe he could come to Memphis and investigate some of our local culture of corruption warriors.
Bush will be speaking soon and many on the right hope he'll dig in his heels and put on the cowboy hat. That would be stunning but refreshing. Short of it, as stated here earlier, they might as well just all resign and get it over with. The upside of that would be Waxman with nothing to do.
Oh--we're still waiting for Congressional and MSM outrage that the allegations of Democrat voter fraud were never investigated. Something tells me the Congress will be hearing about it soon enough from the interviewees.
MORE 3/20/07
Advice from Karl Rove:
“You’re just reinforcing the public perception that President Bush is a stupid, evil genius,” Mr. Rove wrote, ending his terse note with instructions to “delete this email after you read it.”
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