"Where's Waldo?"
Laughed out loud. I'd like to suggest Carmen Sandiego, by the way. Unimportant question--how many of the guys who showed up were there to esoterically add themselves to the "canvas" of an important piece of art or just to stare at boobies? I'll take door number two, Chuck.
Not so long ago people had to run for their lives when dropping clothes in public. By the way, here's a historical factoid--despite Ray Steven's popularization of the term, college streakers predated the 70s:
The first recorded incident of streaking by a college student in the United States occurred in 1804 at then Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) when senior George William Crump was arrested for running nude through Lexington, Virginia, where the university is located. Crump was suspended for the academic session, and would later go on to become a U.S. Congressman and Ambassador to Chile.Appropriate, somehow. Now to the important question(s)--do such organized displays say anything about the state of religion or morals in the west? Do they signify the coming Armageddon or just more creative freedom?
UPDATE 5/8/07
Judging from the dearth of comments apparently everyone thinks I was just using this as an excuse to show skin to get empty blog hits. C'mon people, would I stoop to that level? This is important! By the way, is it "buck naked" or "butt naked"? Where I come from it's the former.
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