Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rabid Doyen on the loose

James Hansen is back in the news. Just recently this NASA climate scientist and star of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth and "doyen of American climate researchers" (according to MSNBC) reiterated his warning that we've only got ten years left before tipping into a climatic Armageddon, the same thing he's been saying for awhile. A little over a year ago he complained the Bush folks were muzzling him.

Hansen's boss--the NASA administrator--was quoted today as saying we just don't really know what the ideal Earth climate might look like, and besides, who are we to judge? A delicate attempt to reel an employee back in.

Quick time out--why on Earth is NASA, the space agency, setting itself up as the nation's expert on climate anyway? We already have an agency built for that called NOAA, also charged with studying weather and oceans. They have most of the hot models. Computer models, that is.

Time in. The good Dr Hansen didn't waste any time illustrating an earlier point made here about why it's not a good idea for Federal Agencies to encourage willy-nilly comments to the press about unsettled issues. Here's what the uncorked genie had to say in reply to his boss:
"It's an incredibly arrogant and ignorant statement," Hansen told ABC News. "It indicates a complete ignorance of understanding the implications of climate change."
I added the bold to point out the insubordination. Needless to say he could have chosen his words a bit more carefully.

This post isn't to say whether Hansen is correct or whether his boss is an idiot, only to say there must be some order in any organization. Scientists should be allowed to speak their minds but with appropriate caveats and common sense, but if they obstinately refuse and continue promoting agendas they should be shown the door.

By the way, couldn't help but snicker at his use of classic liberal reply tactics. No such retort would be complete without a liberal dose of "ignorant" and "arrogant" sprinkled throughout to downgrade the other person's integrity and intelligence. It happens all the time on the message boards because there is widespread belief the matter is settled requiring no further debate. But such is not science.

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