Out of prison on bail, Johnston has found a new job with an advertising firm — her first boss fired her after learning she was one of the Barbie Bandits. But Johnston's troubles may not be over. Knowing she could face up to 10 years in prison, she's admitted the bank robbery scheme wasn't the brightest idea. "Some of the stuff we did was just pretty ignorant," she said."May" not be over? As if what, there's a chance she might get away with it? Even though her face is on the surveillance video? The ABC News story and another from AP tells us absolutely nothing about why she would have been released from "prison" on bail nor why anyone in their right mind would hire someone accused of bank robbery awaiting trial (note, that means they weren't in prison yet). And there's this:
Police have said they went on a shopping spree and gave some money to homeless people.Ah yes, the ole "brownie points for helping untraceable bums" angle.
When Paris Hilton and the blond sex-ed school teachers are added to the mix it makes me wonder if there was some kind of secret "blond amnesty" provision promised in the new 1000 page immigration bill that turns felonies into prank misdemeanors and DUIs into parking tickets. Hey don't laugh--Kennedy was involved.
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