Bush has few remaining hard core supporters and sometimes it seems he's trying to chase them away, too. One of them is a friend of mine, someone in the business, who tells me the speech was depressing and represents de facto amnesty.
That's one reason I've refrained from comment on the bill here (the world survived) because first I wanted some comment from people who know something about it. My overall position hasn't changed, which is that any reform bill that doesn't punish the crime and provide some deterrent against further lawbreaking is unacceptable. This bill doesn't seem to have enough teeth to realistically enforce its own writ.
For instance, what will be done regarding "sanctuary cities"? What if the illegals refuse to comply, will ICE be tasked with a nationwide roundup? What if state and local authorities refuse to assist?
That being said, we have to consider there's a wish world and a real world. Both right and left tend to be irrational in our expectations of politicians when judged against practicality. Remember how Congressman David Obey described his firebrand constituents demanding an end to the war funding--as "idiots". He did so because they refused to understand the workings of government, which required a coalition that could override a Presidential veto. The same applies here.
Any reform measure passed in Congress, especially with Democrats in control, will require compromise that many will find unacceptable. We've allowed 25 years of illegal immigration and it can't be reversed at once.
Bush is taking a Realpolitik approach for many reasons, all of them political. No politico wants to be in office while ICE agents are rounding up family members and separating them from their kids. The images of Elian Gonzales come to mind. No politician wants to be on the receiving end of the economic blow back that will occur as factories and small businesses search for replacement labor at higher wages. No politician wants to end the secret revenue gravy train coming from FICA payments to the Treasury based on phantom Social Security numbers.
Bash Bush here--he deserves it, but consider one more thing. Imagine an immigration reform bill with Hillary or Obama in the White House with Pelosi and Reid controlling Congress. They would literally have the power in their hands to destroy the Republican Party forever. Think you're ticked off now, just imagine that.
Still, I'm convinced this bill in present form will not solve the problem. We seem to have two options. One is to hit the streets and launch a revolution. The other is to complain to our Reps and Senators and force them to kick this issue down the road and put it on the plates of the 2008 candidates, who want nothing to do with it.
If they are forced to take a position we can hold them accountable. It might also energize the Republican base to get out the vote as we watch Democrats try to excuse massive law-breaking.
This issue is causing a lot more division than necessary. For example, check out AJ Strata's position on the issue and just marvel at the hornet's nest he stirred up. Not good.
The present bill isn't the best option but it's not yet signed. It can be fixed without fracturing the party, but we're going to have to accept some compromise. I keep hearing all this talk about Reagan this, Reagan that, but we are breaking his 11th commandment daily.
Let's focus a bit. The Democrats are getting off WAY TOO EASY. If you live in a Democrat district, voice your concern. I plan on contacting Steve Cohen, my Rep, tomorrow. They are sitting silently and watching us self-destruct as we've done with them many times. Now is not the time to jump in the lifeboats. Meanwhile, Bush could do us some good by getting his head out of Mexico's butt just long enough to give a few speeches on border enforcement. The rogue TB patient and his easy transit into America would be a good place to start. Like explaining it. Help us out here, Dubya.
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