Of course, since he's not officially running, no problemo.
So far Fred! shows me the best mettle. As Rosie has yet to discover, mettle can be melted by fire, so we'll see, but Thompson seems to have the adult thing down. And he can communicate.
WHAT UP, DOG 5/2/07

The reason I'm leaning towards Thompson has nothing to do with charisma. It's more about the straightforward and relaxed way he answers tough questions combined with the unashamed way he communicates his opinions and his experience. As stated, this is subject to change but I think he lines up very well against the others.
Maher made fun because Democrats sometimes get too wrapped up in surface projections rather than what's beneath. Recall the excuses made for Clinton's ongoing character flaws during both his presidential runs. Symbolism counts more in that world. Meanwhile Thompson, a sure candidate for superficiality being that he's a Hollywood actor, carries himself more like a character actor. And yeah OK, looks the part, too. S'ok, this isn't American Idol and besides, Hillary is in the race.
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