Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Kerry's war

Some fights are apparently worth fighting:
But just as last year you defeated the Rubber Stamp Republicans, now it's time to take on these Roadblock Republicans and show them the pressure a committed American public can put on them. And maybe, if we put enough pressure on the right places, they'll rethink supporting the President over the change of course our troops deserve.
Strange, back during the 90s Kerry was full of venom for Saddam. Meanwhile, between the inaugurations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush there were six terrorist attacks on America and at least two failed attempts. Review time:

The 1993 attack on the WTC.
The 1993 attempt to assassinate George H.W. Bush
The 1995 attack on US Military quarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The 1996 attack on US Military quarters at Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia
The 1998 attacks on US Embassies in east Africa
The 2000 failed Millennium attack
The 2000 attack on the USS Cole

Add to that a failed CIA coup in Iraq in 1996.

I don't recall Kerry demanding our troops be redeployed out of the Persian Gulf due to Clinton's failed policy. Nor do I recall Harry Reid declaring the war was lost. What? Clinton didn't take us to war? Doesn't matter.

But now here's John F on the warpath against war:
We're targeting four Senators with this at first. The first three I'll mention are already top races for 2006. Those are Senators Coleman, Sununu, and Collins, all from states that voted for me in 2004 and want change in Iraq today. But our fourth might be the most important of all: Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The other three are great targets, but going after McConnell is getting to the heart of the matter.
Like his opposition to Reagan's fight against the Soviets, Kerry seems to have found himself another noble cause. And they'll be no cutting and running from this one:
And let them know that this is only the beginning. We're going to fight this fight as long as necessary to get our country back on track.
I wonder, which track would that be, Senator?


The man said it all:
Surrender monkeys vow to keep surrendering until the last full measure of surrender has been surrendered! Or, they’ll fight on till total capitulation! Or, they refuse to give up until they’ve surrendered the good fight! They shall surrender on the beaches, they shall surrender on the landing grounds, they shall surrender in the fields and in the streets, they shall surrender in the hills; they shall always surrender.

Chimpy, “I’m the commander guy,” still saying funny things! Woe is us!
I'm finally beginning to understand the real strategy in fighting the GWoT--just confuse them all to death. Hopefully their heads will explode before ours.

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