Briefly, the comparison is not apt. Paul's comments were contemporary while Malkin's were pre 9/11 Commission. Besides, by not vocally refuting these Twoof folks Paul is leaving himself open to entertaining tales about Black Ops thermite teams and such, something not very president-like in my opinion.
But I'll let them fight it out. I'd rather explore her initial questions.
We still don't know what happened regards the passenger who called 911 from the lavatory and told them he heard an explosion and saw smoke. This character was not included in "United 93" nor did he show up in "Flight 93", the made-for-TV version. If his accounting of events is correct it strongly suggests the plane was hit by a missile.
The NTSB has treated the CVR tapes with kid gloves, which by the way is not necessarily a bad thing since the tapes from 93 and the other planes probably include last second screams of Allahu Akbar or other incendiary remarks seconds before impact. Such a thing might be a tad disturbing to victims' families not to mention the propaganda effect on like-minded Muslims around the world, some perhaps here in the States.
Even if we shot it down most rational folk could perhaps see the wisdom of such an act in light of the events of the day. For all we know the passengers themselves might have figured that into their decision to storm the cockpit. Whatever the case, their heroism was undeniable by the fact it was partially captured on tape. Now, if both events took place together it was certainly a no-brainer to celebrate one over the other, especially as an example of the American fighting spirit with the challenges that lay ahead.
Compare that with the Truther nuts who've claimed that since the Shanksville hole was not big enough it proved the PLANE NEVER EXISTED or was flown hundreds of miles away and the passengers were taken off and killed, or spirited away to Area 52 or vaporized with secret plasma guns on orders from Alien High Command. Or whatever it is today.
Why would it be surprising to find that one of the hijackers had a gun? It's logical for the government to leave this one hanging if true since trumpeting such a fact might leave the impression that AQ was staffing airline ground crew positions. It was going to be hard enough to get people back in the seats as it was. There's also that pesky liability issue. It's harder to sue the government than the airlines or private security companies.
Turns out Memphis is a sort of "truth central". Katherine Smith was a hometown story. I've renewed tags at the same license bureau Ms. Smith worked. It's surprisingly hard to find any in-depth local stories about the event, which was ruled a murder. It was just one of a series of bizarre events that occurred around here within a year of the 9/11 attacks. Here's a refresher (among other things) if you care, including the most bizarre of them all--the strange "attack" on Memphis Medical Examiner O.C. Smith (no relation). He worked on many of these cases.
Here we are in 2007 and none of the perpetrators who attacked Ms. Smith, Dr. Don Wiley, or ME O.C. Smith have been apprehended. Just like the anthrax case. All have apparently been transferred to the frozen foods section. Maybe it's for good reason. After all, it's not like this is the first time the government has tried to keep a secret during wartime.
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