Video of the arrest shows a cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twisting his arm behind him to put on handcuffs.Never fear, the left blogosphere is up in arms with outrage and will soon be threatening marches and perhaps some civil disobedience of their own. One outraged blogger was outraged beyond words.
Funny, the far left can hold gay pride and freedom marches in San Francisco where people have oral sex in the street and march with placards calling Bush a Nazi and nothing happens. But let just one news reporter attempt to smoke out some lefty hypocrisy at a major high stakes event and he's in cuffs faster than one can say "Patriot Act". At least he wasn't tased.
Unless there's something we've not been told apologies should be fast and profuse. Glad to see the ACLU stepping in on something worthwhile but can't help but wonder where Alex Jones is on this one. Perhaps too busy explaining world politics or exhausted from screaming down a woman?
I don't blame him; Michelle Malkin wants to put us in cages. In cages!
I mean camps. Camps!
I probably wouldn't resist going to camp with Michelle Malkin, if she forced me. For national security.
As a general rule, I don't go camping with monsters.
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