This story spans the bias spectrum from left to right, and really illustrates how the war is coming along.
First, the charge. The US was caught paying the Lincoln Group, a media company under contract to the Pentagon, to plant favorable or positive stories in the burgoening Iraqi free press. Apparently the terrorists were taking more advantage of the press freedoms we'd just given the Iraqis than the Iraqis were. The news cycle was tilting towards the terrorists.
Since this story provides a veritable smorgasbord of "gotchas" for the left, I thought it would be fun to analyze it from the other side, too. So here goes.
Lefty talking points: Of course this is propaganda. If our version was so truthful the Iraqis themselves would be publishing it, free of charge. Add this waste of taxpayer dollars onto the entire cost of Dumbya's FUBAR war, and its no wonder the deficit is out of control.
And hey, what happened to the Iraqis that were supposed to throw flowers at our troops when we liberated them? What, did our troops shoot them? Or maybe they were killed by all the AQ that flooded in after we declared victory. This story is just more pathetic proof this war for Halliburton has soiled our once pristine integrity around the world, and is more proof Bush should be impeached and charged with war crimes. Then maybe our troops can come home and we can rip those assanine yellow ribbons off every SUV we see, followed by a thorough asskicking of the chickenhawk driver inside. Peace out.
Righty talking points: Another leak. How many has it been lately? First it was Valerie Plame, then Abu Ghraib, then the CIA secret prisons, now this. Some in this country actually want us to lose this war. After all, ridding us from Bush is the only way they can maintain their agenda of murdering babies, legalizing gay marriage, legalizing drugs and prostitution, and outlawing Christ. They can cram their 'holiday tree' the same place they keep their morals--in the sewer.
Regards this linked story-- the AP strikes again! The headline was "Pentagon Describes Iraq Propaganda Plan". Oh how the liberals love the word propaganda, as long as they're talking about republicans. The word brings to mind Goebbels and Tokyo Rose-- or worse yet--Baghdad Bob. But after dropping the P word, the AP story never claims the US was planting fake stories, just said they were attempting to get their version out. Only a sleazy seditionist would call our information "propaganda".
Well, that was hardly theraputic. But you must admit each side's boilerplate arguments contain a few grains of truth. Still, regardless of such point-making, the bottom line leads back to that nasty truth--we're in a war that's hard to win yet simply cannot be abandoned.
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