What issues do these folks think will sway Tennesseans to change horses? Schumer lays out some democrat "meat and potato" issues he thinks will win the day:
"..Save Social Security. Fix prescription drugs. Energy independence," he said.Well, people apparently wanted no part of tinkering with Social Security, Senator. And prescription drugs..didn't y'all fix that already? Energy independence. Uh, pardon me a moment..............Ok, I'm back. I didn't want to scare the cat with a sudden outburst of uproarious laughter. Tell me again Mr. Chuck about the democrats' commitment to find more domestic oil and gas, I really want to hear it!
All fluff. Here's the real meat and potato issue for the dems:
Democrats are staking a large measure of their future on public dissatisfaction with President Bush, highlighted by the recent battle over renewing the Patriot Act.No highlighting about it, the policy from day one has been that the democrats "aren't Bush". That will be the strategy next year. And what, praytell, is the number one issue right now? Iraq. Therefore, running some equations I come up with a dem solution of hoping things never improve there, or just outright miserable failure.
However, when Harold Junior gets plugged into the above equation we get a system error. Junior has taken many stances contrary to the Schumer quotient, perhaps on purpose, therefore his status goes more into the outlier category. Perhaps that's why some of the political pundits are giving Mr. Ford a shot. Indeed, but it's one of those shots of an outside variety.
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