The WaPo has an interesting look into the political manuevers of Hillary Clinton regards the Iraq war. It's worth a look-see, but for anyone paying attention it might not enlighten too much.
Political junkies already know that Hillary understands the core voters in America, and Ma and Pa Kettle do NOT favor the cut n'run right now. They know in 2008 they'll need the midwest and south, and parroting Howard Dean ain't gonna do it even if he did once wax romantically about pick up trucks and rebel flags. Hey - that begs the question, is Dean really just a strawman to make Hillary look sane?
The article calls the Clinton strategy triangulation, I prefer Clintonometry. It's designed to carefully play issues for the benefit of appealing to the biggest set of voters based on polls. That's gonna tick off the base every so often, but no worries, they aren't gonna vote republican even if instructed to by Christ himself. Snagging the wishy-washy middle is the key to winning, and there's no doubt the Clintons want the keys and garage door openers to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue back in their hands. Bill might want a few other things in his hands, like the maid staff.
Speaking of which, a law should be passed to barr ex-Presidents from re-entering the White House through the back door as unelected "first men", on general principle if nothing else.
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