Are we heading for one? Can mankind overcome stupidity and act rationally in the new millenium? Iran's lunatic president (the international press might call him 'colorful') has proven once again he's certainly not desirous of winning friends or influencing people. Maybe he should attend an American management school.
Seriously though, Iran is supposedly months away from attaining nuclear devices. Although the Ayatollahs would probably have access to the football, this guy's rhetoric is still disturbing. His most recent bombshell (sorry) statement was to suggest Israel should be wiped off the map. Does this guy have a woman?
Israel doesn't fool around with their security, and should they decide to wipe Iran's reprocessing plants off the map, like they did with Iraq, Tehran might be inclined to fire back with conventional warheads or worse.
Some on the left have asked why we haven't attacked Iran as we did Iraq, since they have posed a greater vocal threat than did Saddam, not to mention strong evidence of their complicity in the Khobar Towers incident, among others. All I can muster in response is that we have a nuclear fleet in the area, troops along both borders, and lots of processing power to wargame. Let's hope that serves as detente.
This kind of thing can also serve as detente, and it's a heckuva lot cheaper. I raise a glass to you, King Abdullah of Jordan. You are acting like a leader.
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