The secret prison/rendition story still seems to have some Euro-socialists in a twitter. According to a Swiss Senator who has been looking into the secret prison claims, the CIA moved all our cold blooded, ruthless, baby killing, woman killing scum vermin slugs, er, detainees, out of Dodge as soon as Dana Priest's WaPo story hit the streets.
By all indications these prisoners appear headed for a never-ending frolic from clandestine place to place in an attempt to stay one step ahead of dogged reporters, determined to sympathetically paint them as tortured and abused.
Holding terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or Ramzi Binalshib in standard American lockups awaiting trial, complete with access to the media, ambulance chasing lawyers and ACLU activists, could easily turn into a nightmare. Think OJ deluxe.
As people began to realize Mohammed's central role for planning and executing 9/11 he'd instantly become a celebrity of sorts, with every media darling wanting an interview. Even if the government disallowed interviews, that act alone would raise their visibility and produce an even bigger bang for their martyrdom buck.
Practically speaking, holding them here would also allow the transmission of coded messages, just as Saddam has been doing.
As to the EU's apparent feigned outrage, you'd think after London and Madrid (and to some degree Paris) they would be bending over backwards to help detain these people. That is to say unless this whole story is a clever window dressing designed to deflect that very cooperation. Ok, that last one was a stretch.
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