The map to your left is the projected 'quake force' expected if "the big one" hits the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Like Californians, Mid-southerners carry the fault in the backs of our minds, knowing a disaster of Biblical proportions awaits us sometime down the road complete with ground liquefaction, sand blows, rivers running backwards, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria.
A coalition of Congresspeople has formed to put pressure on federal agencies to get prepared for the eventuality of another massive earthquake on the NMSZ. FEMA will be getting involved in regional exercises in the next few years among other issues.
Two legendary quakes occurred in this zone during the early 19th century and are among the strongest ever in America. A similar event today could make Katrina look like a popcorn thunderstorm by comparison. Its effects would be far-reaching since as many as seven bridges spanning the Mississippi River might become disabled.
This coalition includes Harold Ford, Jr. of Memphis. Junior's family is currently involved in the dead voter dust-up involving his aunt Ophelia, but once again Junior appears to have the ability to rise above the fray.
Still, some back-spin might be required if we begin to notice the coalition isn't producing much towards preparedness or enhanced coordinated relief efforts. Like all government initiatives this one could turn into a useless CYA best suited to provide cover to legislators should the ball get dropped.
However, it's possible some useful things might get done. It's hard to imagine earthquake-affected constituents letting their representatives get away with finger pointing after Katrina, so it's in their best interests now to do everything possible to mitigate a future melt-down in their districts. And that's a good thing.
Regardless of how much Ford and the others do (and any sincere efforts are appreciated) the best plan is to develop your own plan. Construct a survival kit and have your own "get outa Dodge plan" mapped out.
If the Big One ever hits west TN, I wonder...
Will it be George Bush's "fault"? :)
Yes. Even if it happens in 2025.
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