Monday, September 08, 2008

Rumor Roundup

The rumors and bile about Sarah Palin are have shocked a lot of conservatives, including yours truly. Some level of vitriol was expected from the party of tolerance, diversity and feminism but not this much. What next, bashing her choice of feminine hygiene products?

But if we're to rise above such childishness we need to rise above it. The weekend overreaction to Barack Obama's verbal slip-up about his Muslim faith on Stephanopoulis's Sunday show is a case in point, along with the nonsense about him not registering for the draft due to a comment he made about graduating high school in 1979. Anyone born after 1960 had to register, which he was, and he did. I agree with Glenn Reynolds here. But as to handling bogus chain emails, just stopping the chain is probably better than replying en mass with a Snopes link--unless you enjoy being unpopular.


LA Sunset said...
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LA Sunset said...

//But as to handling bogus chain emails, just stopping the chain is probably better than replying en mass with a Snopes link--unless you enjoy being unpopular.//

Very sage advice, to be sure. It has been said, experience is the best teacher. Is this experience speaking? Or did you have "this friend"?


A.C. McCloud said...
