First it was the web site, then the "no torture" Executive Orders (as if Bush was pulling out thumbs left and right). Now we have proclamations against signing statements (unless needed) and the bizarre follow-up phone call to the NY Times on the socialist question.
Even when he retains a Bush policy it's the new and improved not-a-Bush policy that's still a Bush policy. And that's only because Bush stupidly appointed subordinates who craftily righted the wrongs behind his back so Obama wouldn't have to, or something.
It's as if he doesn't really believe he's actually president yet and feels the need to keep hammering away towards victory. Or could it be the goal is a bit more sinister, perhaps to completely destroy the opposition before moving on to the real agenda (rule Number 8)? Whatever the case it doesn't have a very presidential feel.
The entire premise of the mulligan reply was to remind the Times that it was Bush who started the bank bailout train rolling last fall and, by the way, who also passed prescription drug benefits, which of course completely disregards Obama's own vote on expanding medicare and his vocal advocacy for the Paulson bailout. Yet somehow W's the socialist (that is, when he wasn't being a fascist). Does he not realize he's currently doubling down on the very same stuff he's using to condemn Bush?
If this wasn't so serious it would remind me of the Red State episode where Stephanopolous calls Obama a Muslim. And don't call him a socialist, either, George. He's a share-the-wealth progressive anti-Republican something or other.
Welcome to a new kind of politics.
Hope and change are upon us. The sun is brighter, the birds sing more cheerfully, the flowers bloom wider and more beautiful.
The air is cleaner, the stars are brighter, people are happier, the world is such wonderful place.
So take the sarcasm out of your heart AC, and join us all as we create utopia.
Every attempt at utopia has ended in miserable failure. Hope is good, but hope and blind allegiance together are dangerous.
I may not agree with AC on some issues, but I respect his right to free speech. He speaks out about what he percieves as wrong and thats just doing his patriotic duty.
I believe that Team Obama is operating on the premise that you can fool all of the people all of the time, particularly when the people only remember the last thing you said. Machiavelli once suggested, “When the people are grumbling, start a war.” Obama has taken that advice to the next level; “If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.”
I can’t fault Obama; it does appear to be working.
I can’t fault Obama; it does appear to be working.
Indeed it does.
So take the sarcasm out of your heart AC, and join us all as we create utopia.
F U. LA. I love hate. And Rush. And smoked puppy.
I may not agree with AC on some issues, but I respect his right to free speech. He speaks out about what he percieves as wrong and thats just doing his patriotic duty.
That's all anyone can ask for. If only everyone could treat each other as such.
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