"We need to send a message to Congress and the president that we want them to take the actions that are needed to preserve climate for young people and future generations and all life on the planet," says Hansen, who has likened coal-fired power plants to "factories of death" and claims he was muzzled by the Bush administration when he warned of drastic climate changes.He's called for civil disobedience at the big rally planned for Monday at the coal-fired power plant in Washington, DC that powers Congress:
Participants are willing to "put their bodies on the line to stop climate change," including risking arrest, Leonard said.Perhaps the master would approve. Anyway, Drudge is making a production out of this:
THE HIGHEST TOTAL SNOW ACCUMULATIONS ARE EXPECTED TO RUN ALONG AND JUST TO THE EAST OF INTERSTATE 95...WHERE TOTAL SNOW ACCUMULATIONS OF 7 TO 9 INCHES ARE EXPECTED. THIS INCLUDES WASHINGTON DC AND BALTIMORE.Looks like the dreaded Gore Effect, which seems to produce record cold or snow precisely the moment a big climate change conference or event is scheduled to occur. Wonder if Gaia is trying to tell them something?
Anyway, the pictures of law-breaking global warming hoodlums obscured by heavy snow might be something to look forward to on Monday. And if they cancel due to inclement weather the press release alone might be an interesting consolation prize.
With that here's a parting tribute photo for Mr. Hansen and the protesters. Sorry for the fairly crappy back-lit shot but it shows the ultimate death train meet--a traditional death train loaded with coal passing a trainload of tanks (probably heading to Iraq). To top it off, the scene is set after a late season snow storm in Memphis last year.

It would seem there is a message hidden, somewhere in this kind of thing. Once is an anomaly. Twice is a coincidence. And three times? It's a pattern.
Too bad people aren't getting it. It's making our winters longer.
And speaking of not getting it, I think this winter holds the record for low temperatures for the Orlando area. Most nights in the 30s? Or something.
I don't know, for sure. All I get is the temps on Yahoo for down there. I wonder what Mustang should repent of?
I think there is a simple misunderstanding here at Fore Left. The billions of dollars earmarked for global temperatures are intended to hire po’ black folk to stand along the side of the road and wave a fan. These fans will generate wind velocity that will make the wind-turbans operate faster, and these in turn will generate electricity, and this in turn can be used to operate air conditioning systems, which in conjunction with opened windows, will cool the earth. Now as to the unusual snowfall, it may be a conservative effort to obstruct the Obama domestic policies . . . which, as you will have noted since January, are really struggling. This leads me to recall the axiom, “You can’t snow the snowman.”
One final observation, if I may. Have you ever noticed that some people who are so full of sour grapes that, over time, their hatefulness and scorn begin to take over their entire personalities? I’ve noticed this, and I find it quite sad. Thus, I have started a charity entitled the L. A. Sunset Dual Personality Abatement Fund. Should any reader desire to make a sizeable contribution, please leave me a message here and I’ll get back to you.
//This leads me to recall the axiom, “You can’t snow the snowman.”//
I would be willing to bet this is not exactly how he learned this axiom. But hey, we can run with this one.
//Thus, I have started a charity entitled the L. A. Sunset Dual Personality Abatement Fund.//
I am no longer wondering what it is that is bringing judgment upon the face of Orlando.
I'll make a small contribution, Mustang (for the good of humanity).
That is, so long as you'll accept confederate money. Or pennies.
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