Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clowns all Around

Talking about a crappy deal, he recommended one..

Then later blamed Bush and lied his butt off...

Then this year he said he'd fix the thing he helped break (and blamed on Bush)..

And all we got was O'Reilly to grill him (and he could yell back). Not to say some of these Wall St. vultures shouldn't be squirming in their seats, heck, on general principle if nothing else, but their inquisitors need to notch back just a wee bit on the feigned outrage. It's danged embarrassing. And any complaints about the lack of using the real cuss words, please send them to Carl Levin, c/o Washington.


LA Sunset said...

It's easy to see why you wrote this...It's Bush's fault. Both he and Rove made you do it.


A.C. McCloud said...

Rove was actually not in this one--he was tweaking his weather machine and set off the volcano.

LA Sunset said...

Okay, then. If Rove was assigned to Volcano duty, who had the oil rig explosion?

A.C. McCloud said...

Dick Cheney?