Saturday, March 14, 2009

Side Tracks

Boy could play. And so could this one..


LA Sunset said...

Great Elvis find, I had forgotten about that one. I love it.

At some point when you listen to as much music as I have, some obscure cuts get filed away in unused portions of the circuitry and it takes a rattle to recall the data. Someday, like Mustang, we will not be able to recall data accurately even if our memory is jarred. It is then that we must realize, what we may have to look forward to 10 years from now.

I have submitted to the National Council On Aging that we use Mustang as a research model. We will watch his mistakes and we will learn. I suspect Aricept is around the corner for him. ;)

Anonymous said...

At some point when you listen to as much music as I have, some obscure cuts get filed away in unused portions of the circuitry and it takes a rattle to recall the data.

Confusion is the likely consequence of spending so many years on drugs and in rehabilitation therapy.
