No effigies, just a cool punkin carved by a mystery person. And not many kids at the door this year. Maybe they know about the blog. Anyway, here's an early start on Saturday's musical selection...
The Times keeps its promises to sourcesYeah, yeah, sure, sure.
A big farewell dinner was held in their honor by AAAN with a commemorative book filled with testimonials from their friends and political allies. These included the left wing anti-war group Not In My Name, the Electronic Intifada, and the ex-Weatherman domestic terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. (There were also testimonials from then-state Senator Barack Obama and the mayor of Chicago.)So not only is there a video, but a testimonial book of some sort. But does any of this matter as to the election?
***In convo with Playbook, a top McCain adviser one-ups the priceless “diva” description, calling her “a whack job.”It's absurd to think anybody in the McCain campaign would say such a thing--in context--to a site like Politico with one week left before the election. If true McCain should immediately concede and 1) admit his advisers are incompetent, or 2) he's incompetent. Gotta be something else going on. Or maybe this adviser did poorly on the "test".
But I would like an explanation from Obama on his expressed support for Israel and his past support for Khalidi, which was shared by Ayers. In view of Obama's extensive reachout to Jewish voters, I think that's a reasonable request.Yes she was a Hillary supporter, but in the same piece she praised Ayers and Dohrn, giving weight to her "reasonable request". After all, since Obama espouses the sunshine in government philosophy when it pertains to Bush it's reasonable to assume his own windows remain open.
The era of terrorist bomb attacks on airplanes is generally acknowledged to have begun on Aug. 11, 1982, when an explosion went off aboard a Pan Am jet en route to Honolulu from Tokyo. A 16-year-old Japanese boy was blown from his seat and bled to death before the pilots could land the Boeing 747.Follow this a moment. The bomb that killed the Japanese teenager on a Pan Am 747 in 1982 was linked to 12 other unexploded bombs, all traced to one entity. The Times tells us who:
Two weeks later, a bomb was discovered inside a small vinyl bag aboard another Pan Am jet. It did not explode and was found after the plane landed in Rio de Janeiro on a flight from Miami.
Comparing the devices, the F.B.I. found that the same plastic explosive, containing PETN -- the same substance found on wreckage from Flight 800 -- was used in both bombs. Federal officers also found that wiring from the unexploded bomb matched a hair-thin sliver retrieved from the body of the young victim, Toru Ozawa. In the following weeks, an informer helped the F.B.I. track down 12 more unexploded bombs aimed at Western interests. Similarities between the explosives and timers led authorities to conclude that the bombs were made by the same person or organization.
The bomb that killed the Japanese teen-ager in 1982 had a devilish twist, which came to be regarded as the signature of the May 15 Organization, a Palestinian terrorist group named for the date in 1948 on which Israel was established.And where was the 15th of May Organization based? Guess:
Location/Area of OperationAfter serving time in Greece the bomber of TWA 830, Mohammed Rashid, was released then nabbed by the FBI and recently sentenced to an American prison for his role in the murder. The leader of the gang, Abu Ibrahim, explained Iraq's connection in this Time article in 1991:
Baghdad until 1984. Before disbanding, operated in Middle East, Europe, and East Asia, Abu Ibrahim is reportedly in Iraq.
Awad felt he had no choice. He knew that the Iraqi government paid for May 15 members' rent and gasoline and provided Abu Ibrahim with documents, untraceable license plates and security guards. Now the May 15 chief had shown that with a word from him, the Iraqi military would bring Awad's business to a halt. Awad realized that he could not continue his life in Baghdad if he defied the bombmaker, and he headed for Abu Ibrahim's villa in the wealthy diplomatic quarter of southwest Baghdad. Abu Ibrahim welcomed the reluctant terrorist and personally trained him. At one point, Awad asked what would happen if the Iraqi police found the bomb in his suitcase while he was at the airport. "Don't worry," Abu Ibrahim replied. "The Iraqis know about everything we do."Wow--decent proof that Saddam conspired with terrorists against the US from way back. But read the rest of it, which provides a rationale as to why Reagan didn't blow Saddam to kingdom come back in the 80s. As you might guess, it had something to do with our efforts to stop the Iranian revolution from expanding across the Sunni Arabian plains. Perhaps that was our biggest foreign policy mistake.
as expected, W. is delivering the October surprise Mac needed to put economy behind security.Let's see, Obama campaigns that he'll chase AQ into nuclear Pakistan (or anywhere) with or without permission of the host country and we hear cheering support. Bush evidently chases AQ into Syria without its blessing (we presume) and it's dangerous warmongering that should be reported to the UN.
"My friends, Today we are all Syrians."
When will we stop breaching other countries sovereignty? This is insane. We are homogenizing international laws and violating it whenever we please.
I hope Syria takes this matter to the United Nations and doesn't let it slide easily like they did with their aggressive occupying violent psychopathic bullying neighbor to the south.
One of the scurrilous right-wing rumors about Barack Obama is that he is a Kenyan citizen. That’s wrong.From Kristof's blog. Which doesn't talk about Berg. Oh, here it is--a stock AP rewrite.
A lawsuit challenging Mr. McCain’s qualifications is pending in the Federal District Court in Concord, N.H.And this. And more. All the news that's fit to print.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious.Keep in mind this documentary was made in 1982 while Obama was hiding in the Columbia library and Ayers was down the street attending Banks College.
"In February 1970, leading WUO member Bill Ayers told fellow underground WUO member Larry Grathwohl that if communication could not be made through these Canadian numbers, an individual should get in touch with the Cuban Embassy in Canada in order to establish contact with other members of the WUO," the report said.Just idealistic college kids who thought they could change the world when Obama was eight, right? Now they're idealistic adults who hope for change today, when Obama's 48. Peruse some of Ayers' available You Tube videos and he appears a garden variety liberal freethinking idealist bent to educate capitalism out of America's children, and Obama worked with him on that reform. Now Obama's on the verge of entering the White House during a "once in a generation" crisis of capitalism, one which Ayers and Dohrn must be thrilled about. Caveat emptor, as the professors say.
"Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election," said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," President Bush.It's pretty clear. If Jihadist websites are favoring McCain they obviously prefer Obama. Why would they tell the truth?
In language that was by turns mocking and ominous, the newest posting credited al-Qaeda with having lured Washington into a trap that had "exhausted its resources and bankrupted its economy."But the alternative is to give up and cede the same territory back to the jihadists. There's no question that
“The next administration is going to be inheriting a whole host of really big problems and so the president is going to be tested and the question is will the next president meet that test by moving America in a new direction by sending a clear signal to the rest of the world that we are no longer about bluster and unilateralism and ideology but we’re about creating partnerships around the world to solve practical problems.”That'll strike fear into 'em--we'll open fire on head-chopping child murderers with partnerships to solve the problem of getting rid of Israel, like perhaps via financial help from our busted economy. These guys must be quietly licking their chops thinking the Great Satan is on its last legs.
Chandrayaan-1—which means "Moon Craft" in ancient Sanskrit—is scheduled to launch from the Sriharikota space center in southern India at 8:20 p.m. EDT Tuesday in a two-year mission aimed at laying the groundwork for further Indian space expeditions.Nice to know they've put all our outsourcing dollars to good use. Seriously, what an amazing accomplishment. Or maybe they just really want that Google X Prize.
Chief among the mission's goals is mapping not only the surface of the moon, but what lies beneath. If the launch is successful, India will join what's shaping up as a 21st century space race with Chinese and Japanese crafts already in orbit around the moon
“I was a Hillary supporter who has gone over to the Obama side,” Miller told Politico earlier by phone. “Lots of people think they know what I believe, but don’t.”I suspect that will be a tough one for many to swallow, figuring she's pulling a Colin Powell rehabilitation maneuver. Oddly, both had parts in the Plame affair.
I've been asking Obama waverers if they thought Putin and Medvedev would take it easy on the new guy while he learns the ropes. Russia's a good bet, but you have to wonder if Hezbollah and Hamas would feel like they could take some shots at Israel while the new president settles in. Ahmadinejad might enjoy rattling the saber, and seeing if Obama still makes good on his pledge for a summit without preconditions within one year. If Kim Jong Il is still alive and kicking, God knows what he'll try with a new guy.Follow the link to read Biden's set-up (or apology for Barack's experience, whichever) if you've not already heard it. If Obama wins he'll be entering office not only with one of the most aggressive domestic agendas in recent memory but also with an agenda to 'change the world'. How many foreign leaders will see this as extreme naivete? Lots, perchance.
"Voters need to know who is most likely to be running the country in 2010 if Senator McCain is elected in 2008," Wendy Epstein, a New York dermatologist and Obama supporter, wrote in an eight-page analysis of the senator's risk circulating on the Internet.Death-wish 2008. Here's the Times' foray into political fitness:
Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden released recent medical records to the Times showing that they were healthy, though Altman notes that Biden's documents "did not indicate whether he had had a test in recent years to detect any new aneurysm," and Obama's most recent check-up was in January 2007.That's funny. CBS News is saying otherwise:
Biden, now 67 years old, has yet to release his medical history, of which the aneurysms are one of the few known episodes.But let's not obsess on records of the past, such as original birth certificates, college transcripts or State Senate records and the like. They are but distractions! It's all about the issues, and Mrs. Palin, of course:
Biden’s spokesman David Wade told Politico that "we intend to make available his medical history before the election.”
Meanwhile, "Nothing is known publicly about Ms. Palin's medical history," Altman reports, "aside from the much-discussed circumstances surrounding the birth of her fifth child last April. Ms. Palin has said that her water broke while she was at a conference in Dallas and that she flew to Anchorage, where she gave birth to her son Trig hours after landing.Ah yes, the true motive of this sudden medical interest--it's a reminder McCain is still old and formerly cancerous and suggestive that Palin still might not be Trigg's mama. They know Barack is as healthy as a horse (he shoots hoops with the troops) and, sad to say, nobody really cares about Biden, evidenced by his gaffe-a-minute roadshow to nowhere.
Colin Powell will have a role as a top presidential adviser in an Obama administration, the Democratic White House hopeful said today.Let's see, Colin Powell once believed Saddam was working with AQ. Colin Powell was in favor of taking out Saddam, a move Barack Obama believes was the "worst foreign policy mistake" we've ever made. I wonder, who's going to be advising whom?
"He will have a role as one of my advisers," Barack Obama said on NBC's "Today" in an interview aired today, a day after Powell, a four-star general and President Bush's former secretary of state, endorsed him.
On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose. The strongest candidate to do that is Sen. Barack Obama. The Tribune is proud to endorse him today for president of the United States.This is somewhat surprising and troubling since the Cubs have actually gone to the World Series sooner than the Tribune last endorsed a Democrat. Is McCain now cursed? Perhaps it's worth a bit of scrutiny.
On Dec. 6, 2006, this page encouraged Obama to join the presidential campaign.Prophesy fulfilled. Moving ahead:
...as he rose from an effective state senator to an inspiring U.S. senator to the Democratic Party's nominee for president.Which part of the 120+ "present" votes constitutes effective? Surely they aren't referring to gun control or babies born alive? And surely they know the exact living room or law firm from which that career began--we await confirmation. But "inspiring" U.S. Senatorial career? That's news to some.
Obama envisions a change in the way we deal with one another in politics and government. His opponents may say this is empty, abstract rhetoric. In fact, it is hard to imagine how we are going to deal with the grave domestic and foreign crises we face without an end to the savagery and a return to civility in politics.Like bashing plumbers who dare question his dedication to the middle class then not apologizing for his supporters when they dragged him through the mud? Or like "Truth Squads" formed in Missouri containing elected officials threatening to crack down with the force of law on anyone employing politics as usual? Or bashing the sitting president while talking policy with foreign leaders behind his back? Or making irrational pledges to invade nuclear countries unilaterally if they don't acquiesce to our demands? Maybe the Trib needs to occasionally check the actual news wires every once in awhile (or maybe they only subscribe to AP and Reuters).
The Republican Party, the party of limited government, has lost its way. The government ran a $237 billion surplus in 2000, the year before Bush took office -- and recorded a $455 billion deficit in 2008.No great argument there, but how does it make sense to cure that problem with an even bigger spender?
He has responded to the economic crisis with an angry, populist message and a misguided, $300 billion proposal to buy up bad mortgages.There they go with "angry". The press was so eager to paint McCain as angry that they've painted him as angry without him ever showing any signs of anger. Count me as one who figured he'd eventually blow his top but it hasn't happened. One can argue his reaction to the bailout bill was a strategic blunder, but I won't--had he returned to DC and screamed "no we can't" Congress would have followed; the bill would not have passed; the stock market would have dropped anyway and with no rescue package the meltdown would have been entirely his fault. He had no choice.
McCain failed in his most important executive decision. Give him credit for choosing a female running mate--but he passed up any number of supremely qualified Republican women who could have served. Having called Obama not ready to lead, McCain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.Biden, anyone? But there's a nifty turnaround on Palin. They say McCain made a mistake by removing his "not ready to lead" argument in picking the Sarahcuda, but picking her didn't change the fact Obama isn't ready to lead, it just took some of the luster off it, ie, if he's not, she's certainly not. Yet the Trib is endorsing Obama due to his superior leadership. Go figure.
We know first-hand that Obama seeks out and listens carefully and respectfully to people who disagree with him.General Petraeus or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
He worked to expand the number of charter schools in Illinois--not popular with some Democratic constituencies.Please do tell us more about his thoughts on education reform. Do they match Ayers's views? Does the answer have something to do with Obama being eight?
He took up ethics reform in the U.S. Senate--not popular with Washington politicians.Bravo, we need more. But it wasn't a big news story, he didn't go that far out on a limb, and not much got done. If the Trib really wants reform perhaps they need a second look at the ditzy unqualified chick.
Obama is deeply grounded in the best aspirations of this country, and we need to return to those aspirations. He has had the character and the will to achieve great things despite the obstacles that he faced as an unprivileged black man in the U.S.And it would be nice if we could pin down all those aspirations before the clock runs out. As to "unprivileged", are they kidding? He attended private elementary schools, Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law--at least we think he did based on the sketchy memories of the few who recall him then. Oh well, perhaps he'll release his transcripts soon along with all the instances where he was denied jobs or promotions due to his race. We await.
When Obama said at the 2004 Democratic Convention that we weren't a nation of red states and blue states, he spoke of union the way Abraham Lincoln did.Count me as one who was inspired by that speech as well. He's a good speaker (although McCain was funnier at the Alfred dinner last night). But the reality is he's spent a year driving a wedge between rich and poor, Republican and Democrat, black and white, elite and hick. His message of hope and change has withered under the hot lights of win or lose. All indications say he's lying about his past and lying about our future.
Hundreds of religious leaders of different faiths have been invited to the event planned for Sunday, a rededication of the group's historic Mosque Maryam on the city's South Side. Farrakhan is scheduled to speak.Obama is still stinging (only mildly, since nothing really stings him) from the Reverend's prophecy moment in February. Everyone knows such quasi-endorsements don't really help that One with the clinging masses, made clear by Reverend Jackson's recent remarks in Europe. Some say these two leaders are angling to maintain their relevance, or worse. Judge for yourself.
"We have restored Mosque Maryam completely, and we will dedicate it to the universal message of Islam, and the universal aspect of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad," Farrakhan said in an invitation letter. "It represents for the Nation of Islam, a new beginning."
While a few of Alaska's large glaciers are advancing, 99 percent are retreating, the book, "Glaciers in Alaska," states. The book was written by USGS research geologist Bruce Molina.In combination with this:
Never before in the history of a research project dating back to 1946 had the Juneau Icefield witnessed the kind of snow buildup that came this year. It was similar on a lot of other glaciers too.And finally...this:
"It's been a long time on most glaciers where they've actually had positive mass balance," Molnia said.
Permafrost continues to warm, however the rate of warming in the 2000s is significantly slower than in the 1990s. There is a continued tendency for a decrease in the snow cover of the Northern Hemisphere in the months of April through October. Glaciers are shrinking in most of the world. The amount of river discharge to the Arctic Ocean is increasing.Is it any wonder Palin said she's not sure global warming is 100 percent mad-made? Mere men can't even fully explain it.