By most accounts the Algerians appear to be loose cannons and quite dangerous, although they may be more in the range of ground troops rather than generals.
The Joscelyn article suggests a reason France and others pushed back so hard against the Bush Iraq war--self protection. France has a big problem with radical north African Islamists, partially brought to light in the recent Paris riots. The place is a powderkeg and surely Chirac made Bush aware of this from the beginning.
Here's where the dot connecting begins. If Stephen Hayes' recent article about the captured Iraqi government documents can be believed, which implicate Iraq as training thousands of north African jihadis, not only does it directly implicate them as major players in the WoT, but explains the position Europe found itself in vis a vis the WoT.
Grab yourself a copy of Simon Reeve's "The New Jackals", published in late 1999. This is one of the most comprhensive looks at Islamic terrorism you'll find. For example, there is extensive information about how the Mujahadeen used Italy as a stopover on their way to jihad in the Balkans in the 90s, and why bin Laden held them out of the NATO war against Slobodan Milosevic.
Another tidbit discussed was the conventional wisdom of killing Bin Laden, to which Reeve quoted Sudanese spiritual leader Hassan al-Turabi that doing so would "generate thousands of Bin Ladens, thousands of them". If bin Laden is now dead the 'hapless' Bush team seems to have taken al-Turabis advice.
But the one thing that struck me as precient was a prediction he made in the book. He said Bin Laden would be forced to leave Afghanistan within several years (of 1999) due to external and internal pressures, and that before leaving he'd likely try to pull off a major attack with the goal of starting a worldwide war. We all know the outcome.
Reeve didn't forget to cover the Saddam-Bin Laden connection (remember, this was written in 1999):
"By early 1999, however, Osama bin Laden was in the process of forging a secret alliance with Saddam Hussein .."He continues:
However contacts between Bin Laden and Iraq were maintained by representatives of the Iranian terror group MKO, which has its headquarters near Baghdad, and wanted to use bin Laden and the Taliban to incite violence on the border between Iran and Afghanistan--just as they had used Ramzi Yousef. Their contacts appeared to have worked because bin Laden began expressing open support for Iraq in his public comments."Reeve goes on to detail the meeting between Farouk Hijazi, a senior Iraqi intelligence officer and Bin Laden/Taliban officials in Afghanistan in 1998, an operation he says was triggered by Qusay Hussein. In this purported meeting the Iraqi agent offered safe haven for Bin Laden while also presenting a list of targets Saddam wanted attacked, one of which was Radio Free Europe in Prague. Prague, hmm, why does that ring a bell? Anyway, another meeting allegedly took place between representatives of the two in Khartoum in 1999.
Perhaps the documents will one day be released for inspection, but then again pigs may also fly. But even without them a continuing belief that Saddam was a grandfatherly fool not involved in the spider web of Arabic/Islamic terrorism defies all known evidence and surely defies logic. As Christopher Hitchens said in his debate with Scott Ritter last month, "we were going to have to confront Saddam sooner or later".
This amazing story appears to back up that contention that France was posturing when they opted-out of the Iraq war. It also includes stunning rhetoric from Chirac that he'll launch nukes on any countries who attack France in kind. Unilaterally? What, no global test, Jacques?
Meanwhile our reclusive friend Osama came out of hibernation, or at least his voice did. After declaring we had lost the WoT he offered us a truce. This kinds reminded me of Billy Bob Thornton in the movie 'the Alamo' offering Santa Ana's men leniancy as he was about to be shot. Or a pirate walking the plank and shooting his shipmates the moon.
VP Cheney immediately came out and said it sounded like a ploy (really?) and obviously we won't negotiate. Why would anyone think this was even remotely possible?
So it looks like another terrorist kingpan has become a zombie-fighter, but maybe not. Indications are the tape was made in December and did not mention the recent predator attacks, so Micheal Ledeen might not be wrong yet. Until we see both Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri talking about current events their existence should remain dubious.
MORE 1/19/2006
Here's the full text of Bin Laden's "truce".
There didn't seem to be much of a truce, unless you consider "remove all US presence from the entire world and we'll stop" a viable truce. Since AQ is currently only attacking our military in Iraq, this seemed a non sequitur. Also, based on Bin Laden's talking points I got the strange feeling his speechwriter had been trolling the Democratic Underground for content. Just throwing that one out there.
His most supreme zombie-ness closed the missive as follows:
You have tried to prevent us from leading a dignified life, but you will not be able to prevent us from a dignified death. Failing to carry out jihad, which is called for in our religion, is a sin. The best death to us is under the shadows of swords. Don't let your strength and modern arms fool you. They win a few battles but lose the war. Patience and steadfastness are much better. We were patient in fighting the Soviet Union with simple weapons for 10 years and we bled their economy and now they are nothing.Yes, Mr. Laden, WE helped you acquire those "simple" weapons--heat seeking stinger missiles--REMEMBER? Otherwise the Soviets might still be there. Also, look closely and you'll catch a reference to Paul Wolfowitz named in combo with Bush/Cheney and Rummy. Wolfowitz left a year ago.
In that there is a lesson for you.
Corrected credit for original article to the correct author.. and minor misspellings..sorry bout dat.
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