The reason? As soon as Ms. Carroll was captured the Coalition decided pretty quickly to release some of these women, which would never happen if they were indeed dangerous themselves.
Looks like that might have been true. Now, I'm certainly no tactical expert, I'm not in Iraq, in law enforcement, and not even in the military. Our valiant men and women face huge challenges on the ground there and are under enormous pressure to get results. But assuming this is true, it seems like a bad idea. My two cents..just don't do it.
The story quotes experts who suggest "Saddam was doing this", as if we're no different than the Butcher. Ridiculous. America is unlike any other country, we're human like everyone else, but we're trying to free people and give them a chance at the lives we lead here. We will correct wrongs, perceived or otherwise.
Let's hope Ms. Carroll is returned safely, and soon.
The Christian Peacemaker team, largely forgotten since their November capture, resurfaced today. Their captors are now demanding that ALL Iraqi prisoners be released.
It's doubtful the timing was a coincidence. After seeing 400 detainees plus several women released shortly after the Carroll kidnapping, this bunch probably figures our policy is now compromised and ripe for exploitation. Ms. Carroll is still not free, therefore if we reiterate a hard line against the CPT kidnappers, it might affect her chances of release, too. This is a thinking and devious enemy.
MORE 1/30/06

Since she wasn't released after the five female Iraqis were set free, it's likely she'll continue to be held awhile, at least until the next "routine" prisoner release occurs. Neither side can afford to back down now.
Assuming the terrorists' stated goal is genuine, killing Ms. Carroll would seem to be counterproductive. It could also create a huge PR downside based on the sheer number of both Shiite and Sunni Clerics demanding her release.
Could Ms. Carroll be a willing hostage? There is precedent--the German archeologist recently freed for ransom had part of that ransom on her person, giving the impression she was in cahoots with her kidnappers. And, the Carroll kidnappers had never been heard of before this event. But the fact Ms. Carroll's reporting wasn't very controversial and more importantly that her translator was killed in the abduction suggests she's indeed being held against her will.
In the beginning, I was sure the "Christian Peacemakers" were in on the deal. Not so sure now since they have been off the radar for so long.
Agreed. There was something strange about their initial capture, and the organization seemed quick to reach out to anti-war leftists.
But upon this latest set of impossible demands, the captors have no choice but to kill them after we refuse to comply. A bad development no matter which way you cut it.
This is sounding fishy. I would say that there is a good chance this one could be staged. Leftists do desperate things, when they get desperate.
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