"Troops are excited about the progress being made," the Memphis Democrat told reporters during a teleconference. "They are more concerned about America and U.S. policymakers getting the policy right on the ground and are more concerned about doing their jobs. They don't believe we should leave prematurely because there are fears that if we do, their kids will have to come back and fight this war."This was his fourth Iraq trip, by the way.
Let's put on our strategy hats. To win a Senate seat in Tennessee Junior needs enough votes from conservative eastern districts--from Chattanooga to Knoxville to Bristol. That's something his dad never had to bother with, being just a U.S. Representative. So, how does someone with the name of Ford appeal to mostly white traditional values voters in the east? Well, maybe by playing to those values:
While visiting Fallujah, Ford said he ran into a soldier who went to Sullivan North High School. Only days ago, Ford visited with two classes of students at North during a stop in Kingsport.See, just a regular guy.
"He looked at me a little skeptically when I told him I had just been in Northeast Tennessee at his school," Ford said of the unnamed soldier. "(I asked him) was Coach (Richard) Carroll your principal? He lit up so much and started smiling. He said, ‘Some of you politicians, I never know if you all are telling the truth when you come visit us.'"
Bottom line is this--even if Junior is actually the biggest moonbat east of the Mississippi he knows confessed liberals don't win statewide seats in Tennessee. But there's one thing I've noticed--even if Ford is just one big ball of political posturing he comes across so genuinely that many will buy it. Heck, sometimes I'm tempted to vote for him.
Mick Wright's Main Street Journal has commentary on Junior's pushback letter regarding his campaign taking funds from an Abramoff spinoff.
I find your perception of Congressman Ford to be "on point". He comes across as his own man. A man capable of thinking "outside" of the box/party affiliation. We Tennesseans are a diverse crowd. We need, no, we deserve a leader capable of providing leadership for Tennesseans, not Republican Tennesseans or Democratic Tennesseans, Tennesseans.
I truly feel that Congressman Ford is our man. Let's make him our next Senator from the great state of Tennessee.
Perhaps you misread me, Breezy. I think Junior is good, likeable and has potential. I'm just not sure I believe a word coming out of his mouth.
Good luck in the campaign.
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