Time gives us a preview of James Risen's NSA spygate book, which could just as well be titled, "Happy New Year, Bushitler". In reading over the article something jumped out--Risen was involved in the Wen Ho Lee leak (perhaps we can coin it "Wen Ho Leak"?):
That makes some of the book's claims difficult to verify, while leaving Risen open to charges that he is being used by partisan ax grinders. Risen, who is contesting a court order to reveal the identities of sources he quoted in a series of disputed articles about the nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee, admits that the book requires readers to make a "leap of faith" and accept the credibility of his sources.Surely you remember Wen Ho Lee? WaPo reporter Walter Pincus of Plamegate leak fame is also embroiled in the Lee case, which raises the possibility that more high-profile reporters will get a chance to see the state prison up close and personal. That is, unless they give up their sources. Psst..Judy Miller set the bar, guys. Tom McGuire also wonders if Risen might have 'a Woodward moment' regarding Valerie Plame.
Whether he does or not this NSA bean spillage has a certain odor of pay-back to it. Justice Department legal beagles continue to pursue Risen and others for their sources in the Lee case, and this cannot sit well with the DC elite, especially after the lead balloon result from Plamegate. If indeed revenge is found to be the motive then someone needs to dust off the traitor statutes.
It's also doubtful Bush will be brought down for spying on AQ agents, more likely it will just further divide a divided country. This insane righty-lefty debate regarding the GWoT has made it harder than ever to recognize true patriots anymore. And that's definitely a victory for ole Weird Beard.
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