As to Ramsey Clark, he's treading very close to the edge of traitor gulch in my book. Our troops are being killed at the behest of Izzat al-Douri, Saddam's right hand man for the insurgency, while Clark and company prepare briefs for his boss.
Speaking of the lunatic fringe, an interesting video appeared from out of the ether in Britain today showing George ‘Twinkle Toes’ Galloway shaking hands and cavorting with Uday Hussein at one of Saddam’s presidential palaces. Here are some highlights:
...Galloway also orders watching journalists not to publish parts of their conversation. ...according to the paper, he taunts the U.S. and vows to stick with Uday "until the end".This appeared a few hours before this:
The video emerged just hours before a British court ruled in Galloway's favor in a libel suit involving allegations of wrongdoing.As bloggers like to say, hmmm.
An appeals court in London upheld an award of around $250,000 in damages after a lower court ruled Galloway had been libeled by the Daily Telegraph newspaper. The paper alleged Galloway had accepted tens of thousands of dollars from the oil-for-food program.
During the Hitchens Galloway debate late last year Hitchens challenged Galloway on the Oil For Food question:
And someone whom hasn't answered my question, my challenge. I said in round terms when I opened that this is not just a matter of which of us can be the rudest, because I already conceded that to Mr. Galloway. Or which of us could be the most cerebral, because he has already conceded that to me. But I said that there's a further grudge between us, which is this, I say that Mr. Galloway discussed the allocation of Oil For Food profits that stole directly from the Iraqi people, and that helped to corrupt the scheme and program of the United Nations. I say he discussed that personally with Mr. Tariq Aziz in Baghdad, at least once, and if he will put his name to an affidavit, that formally denies that, we can have done with this business. But if he does not, it's going to haunt him on every stop of this tour, and all the way back to England, and everywhere he goes to raise the flag of jihad in the Middle East. This I promise you, I promise you.Wonder what on earth Uday and the good MP discussed in the privacy of the palace?
AG: George Galloway, five minutes.
GG: Bring me the affidavit, I'll sign it now.
CH: Very good.
GG: It's a complete lie. It's a lie like the others lies on your leaflets that you were handing out like and idiot on the street before this meeting.
It's a lie. Buy my book, if you don't want to buy it, go to the website of the RespectCoalition.org and read it. I've already dealt with this, it's a lie. Nobody every discussed oil allocations with me, not Tariq Aziz, not anybody. I've already said it under oath, never mind an affidavit, under oath on pain of imprisonment in front of the US Senate. That smokescreen will not wash. You want me to run through the dictatorships you're supporting? Do you want me to run..?
HT Seixon
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