Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Boeing testing anti-missile defense systems

The airborne laser program, which is being installed on a modified Boeing 747 aircraft, is designed to detect, track and engage a ballistic missile from a rogue state in the sky.
So said the story, which was quoting from a Boeing press release. Ok, long-time readers probably know where this is going, down a dark winding road to a pit, no doubt. And yes, I vowed to give up posting on this subject unless some kind of major news hit the scene. But this is kind of newsy.

The question is, will anyone in the mainstream media find it the least bit ironic if Boeing manages to get their fleet fitted with anti-missile technology BEFORE retrofitting them with nitrogen inerting systems to help prevent in-flight spontaneous fuel tank explosions?

Probably not. After all, nobody found it ironic when the NTSB hired one of the prime witnesses to a certain July 1996 crash several years later--one whose eye-witness account diametrically opposed the NTSB's own version of what happened.

And most have not given one fiddler's darn about a story just now coming to light (the newsy part) that the DIA determined that MANPAD missiles were being fired off the Atlantic coast near New York five days before the crash in question.

It really boggles the mind that our current crop of "truthers" could so easily ignore this event, which features solid undisputed evidence (traces of RDX on seat fabrics) and testimony from noted aviation professionals and engineers. Thing is, we don't need them because it's simply intuitive that airplanes cannot gain 3000 feet of altitude without their nose section attached.

We return you now to regular programming.

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